As told by John Barros:
Today began pretty “spicy.” Some guy didn’t like the idea of Bill and I trying to protect his lady and fight for his baby. He went ballistic with death threats, etc. He grabbed us but nothing came of it other than getting the workers outside trying to calm the people down.
We had three ladies still here for their third day of marching around the back parking lot trying to hurry the delivery of their babies. One couple when they were done came out and began laughing joking hugging and kissing to mock us.
But then there was Rebecka. She came here very hard this morning, with her mind set on having an abortion. Beth tried to reason with her driver to no avail. After preaching the first time no one came out and a real heavy sense fell upon us. We could all feel it.

The folks were getting all worked up down here today.
After waiting a while Randall came back, so I began to preach again. Shortly into that Rebecka came out walked up to me and said “thank you, I am not doing this.” She began to tell us that during the preaching she could hear every word inside. She was told that was God that opened her ears and had snatched her from the gates of hell. We got to spend some time with her while she waited for her ride to come get her. In God’s sovereignty, He had her ride get lost giving us more time. We were able to hear her story and offered her all of our help. She had come all the way up from South Florida to hear God call her to repent and trust Him. It was truly one of the most precious moments we have had a chance to be a part of. We gave her a blessing bag and she was thrilled.
God is so amazing. Out of all the darkness and madness down here He plucked a precious young lady that had strayed from Him from the fire. He is so precious.
The Lord sent a steady stream of folks throughout the day. Bill, Beth, Luke, and Yolie in the morning. Andrea, Edwin and Heather during the day. Samuel and his lady from Melbourne brought Rahm, a Hindu from India. It’s been a looong week and the Lord has done awesome things. Thank you all for praying.