As told by John Barros:
As long as those of us that were down here today live, we will never forget what the Lord did.
So thankful that the Reformation Bible College kids are coming back from summer vacation. Chelsea, Jessica, and Bonnie, joined Yolie, Bill, and I down here. It was mostly late term moms here left over from yesterday, but there were a few new ones.
After most were inside the girls were getting ready to sing hymns. Then a car pulled in, and one pulled up across the street. A young Indian man, Sateesh, walked across the street with his hands clasped like he was in prayer and in the sweetest voice with fear in his eyes said “please, please help me.” The girls asked what was wrong and he said his girlfriend’s mother was bringing her to kill his baby. It began to get chaotic really fast. Sateesh hid behind my van as his lady and mother came up front. He did not want her mother to know he was there. We called out to them but the mother took her inside.
Sateesh came back out and everyone gathered around to pray for and with him. The security guard came out and threw him off the property. I said “sir, what are you going to do with a guy that doesn’t want his baby killed?” He dropped his shoulders and said “I don’t know” as he went back inside.
A little later he came out and called Sateesh over to question him. Let me tell you what -the.people on the walk were tearing things up in prayer while all this was going on. Sateesh went out back. I wanted to make sure he was going to be ok. He dropped to his knees, sobbing floods of tears for about twenty minutes. People were praying up front , and I was a total mess praying out back along with him. Then to my amazement the security guard opened the back door and pulled him inside. I went back up front totally bewildered.

Sateesh pouring out his heart in prayer and tears for God to save his baby.
About 15 minutes later out came guard escorting Sateesh and his lady Nirany arm in arm with tears of gladness. We were all beside ourselves rejoicing and praising God. As they drove off they were waving wildly. As the security guard walked back down to the bottom of the drive he turned around, raised his arms, and said “See John, see John.”
A short time later the Mother came outside. The security guard told her how they had called her daughter in the back to meet with Sateesh and snuck her out the back. She went ballistic. She began to blame us and told us that they were cousins. The girls told her that we could help them, and that no matter the situation the baby doesn’t deserve to die. The rest of the day was spent with preaching and hours of singing praising God for His display of power, mercy, and grace.
A young couple came later and kept coming out, talking and watching the singing in the pouring rain. We really didn’t mind the rain and for some reason I felt like I was ten years old today. Well Felicia and her man came out one last time and asked for our literature. She said she was keeping her baby. I told her I couldn’t walk on the property so she came out in the pouring rain and took it. Please pray for all involved here today. Nirany’s mom was actually saying she was going to take poison since her daughter left so please pray especially for God to move on her and bring all these people to himself.
Today marks the beginning of my.sixth year down here everyday. For years I was here pretty much alone. I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined what God was going to allow me to see Him do. I don’t know why He would show me such grace. I still have never talked anyone out of an abortion. He does it through His Word and prayer. I don’t know why He.would honor me to get to know Him in the way I do. I do not deserve this. There is nothing in me that is any good whatsoever. I have broken all His laws and have many hurt people in my wake. I’m not even a very nice person. You can ask anyone that knows me. This is not false humility. Just the truth. I would beg people to go do what looks impossible. He is there. Go see what He is doing.